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Before downloading and installing this utility, you must read and agree tacitly with some terms and conditions that will be listed below. Do not download or install if you do not agree or do not fulfill some of these terms and conditions. 1 - You commit that you will not deliver this utility to others, but I welcome your recommendations to your friends to visit this site where they can download this and other utilities. 2 - Although I do not offer support, you are welcome to email suggestions or improvements, but do not wait for a reply, at least not immediately. Email with thanks to feed the ego is welcome too, after all this is the unique reward by hours, neurons and eyes wasted in front of the computer. 3 - You only must download the file directly from this site and verify that the file size in bytes on your computer corresponds with that described on the site. This is an important indication that the file was not changed by a virus. 4 - At this site, the utility is offered freely for a home user AS IS without any warranty; do not file any claims about support or loss of any kind in use of the utility or abuse of the same. 5 - You assume all consequent risks of the use and/or the performance of this utility and of any support service. 6 - In the maximum extension allowed by applicable legislation, I absolve myself of all the conditions and warranties related with: commercialization, adequacy to a specific purpose, virus absence, complete and correct replies, complete and correct results, and effort improvement absence. 7 - To the maximum extension allowed by applicable legislation, in any hypothesis I will not be responsible by any special, incidental, indirect, punitive or consequential harms (including, without limitations, harms by: ceasing profits, loss of confidential data or others, interruption in business, personal harms, loss of privacy, fault in the fulfillment of any obligation (inclusively of good faith and with reasonable attendances), negligence, and any other financial loss or of any kind) resulting from any form related with the use or inabilities of the use this utility. 8 - In the case the current legislation does not allow the total immunity above written, it is then my responsibility limited to the value effectively paid by you to me for this utility or R$ 10,00 (ten reais) in Brazilian currency, whatever will be the larger. 9 - As I already emphasized above, the free-of-charge utility is exclusively for home users’ personal use. Public or private companies or any commercial use requires the acquisition of a use license. Please contact us by clicking here. 10 - Outside the above written conditions, the unauthorized utilization, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the whole and/or parts of this utility is not allowed and is subject to the current legal penalties regarding international author rights. Copyright by Francisco Orlando Magalhães Filho. All rights reserved.